eva susova



the veiled lady

audio installation, performance

wood, bioplastic, metal, plaster, mp3 players, speakers, jute rope, female voices

The veiled lady is a multi-channel audio installation exploring the crucial role of a female voice in the knowledge exchange. It focuses on the oral and the sonant as a fundamental methodology of sharing modes of awareness of one's ecosystem.

the veiled lady was realized during the residency at Het Resort in Groningen. Het Resort is supported by Mondriaan fonds.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK AN AQUARIUM IS MADE FOR, IS IT JUST A CONTAINER FOR THE SOUL?” WORK PERIOD 01.02 – 26.02 2021 | SHOW 17.04 – 02.05 2021 | PICTURA GRONINGEN, ST. WALBURGSTRAAT 1, GRONINGEN with eva susova, noha ramadan & clara saito 

