The Veiled Lady

multichannel audiovisual instaltion

wood, bioplastic, metal, plaster, jute rope, mp3 players, speakers, female voice

The Veiled Lady is an audiovisual installation exploring the crucial role of a female voice in knowledge sharing about the local ecosystem departing from my childhood experience of mushroom foraging with different generations of women.

The installation consists of natural materials such as trunks, branches, dirt, woodchips and bioplastic. The central piece is a mask that appears as a disembodied performer. Yet through the multiple channels of sound surrounding the attendee, the attendee hears the voice. She speaks verses and chants. She is hyphae, the Veiled Lady, a silky threat that forms a network called mycelium. She calls for attention to all human and non-human bodies and their temporality.

The veiled lady was realized during the residency at Het Resort in Groningen and presented in Pictura Groningen. Het Resort is supported by Mondriaan fonds.